3 Days Old

I may be a little biased on this one, but isn’t he ADORABLE?!?!?  But when you have cool parents like these, how can you go wrong?  This is my brand new little nephew, who was not quite 3 days old when we did these photos.  He was a sleepy little fellow that morning and didn’t mind a bit when we moved him around from place to place.  What a blessing he is to our family!  I’m so excited for my brother and sister-in-law and looking forward to seeing you grow little man!






*At the risk of being known as the photographer who balances babies on “unconventional” props (remember this one?), I will show this one anyway because I liked how it turned out.  I really like trying to incorporate items that are meaningful to the families in newborn shoots.  My brother is an AWESOME guitar player and that’s part of who he is and something he loves to do, so we tried to think of a way to use one of his guitars with his new love.  I thought it turned out kind of cool – and no, little man is not just balancing up there…my brother is holding him behind the guitar 🙂


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