I can’t say enough good things about this couple. They are super cool, hip, fun and a joy to be around. And, they are going to make fabulous parents. Oh yeah – they also happen to be my baby brother and sister-in-law 🙂 But that’s besides the point… They really are both great people that I am so proud of. My brother is nine years younger than me, so I remember him as a baby and I can’t believe they are now having a baby of their own! But I couldn’t be more excited for them and I cannot wait to meet my new little nephew! Hope you like your pictures so far – I’ll have the rest for you soon! Love you guys!!!
Here’s a shot of their other baby – Buster B-dog!
I’m sure they’re laughing at my hilarious jokes 🙂
One of my favs so far! Buster can’t bear to watch this – ha!
Another favorite 🙂
Jumping for joy!
And one more…for the road! Get it? For the road? Ha! I’m so funny…