I know there are ALOT of options for photographers in this area, so I really truly appreciate all my family, clients (friends!), and future clients/friends who trust me with your photos! My goal in the coming year is grow my business, and continually improve to provide you with the best photo experience possible and produce art for your family that you cherish for many years. So….to thank all of you for your past business, as well as to invite new friends to give my photography style a try, I am having a BLACK FRIDAY SALE! Here’s the details:
On Friday, November 26th you will be able to purchase gift certificates for 50% OFF! Gift certificates can be used any time in 2011, and may be applied toward session fees, mini-sessions (when offered), prints, products, digital images, CD, etc. These would make a perfect gift for friends and family, or stock up for yourself if you know you want to have pictures done in 2011! These will ONLY be offered on Friday, November 26th, and there will also be a limit on the number of gift certificates I sell. Once 15 certificates have sold, the link will be removed – so make sure if you want a certificate to get one early and for the amount you need, as they might not be available later in the day!
To buy a certificate, click on the following link: http://clickphotodesigns.instaproofs.com and click on the ‘Gift Certificate’ link. NOTE – The link will not be visible until Friday, November 26th. If you do not see the link on Friday, the limit has been reached and the link has been removed. If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to email me at clickphotodesigns@gmail.com before the sale begins. If you email on Friday though, just remember that I may not reply quickly… I’ve got to get my shopping in too 😉
NOTE: If you are buying a certificate for wedding photography, or need a session on a certain date, MAKE SURE TO CONTACT ME BEFORE THE SALE TO MAKE SURE I HAVE YOUR DATE AVAILABLE. I have already begun booking sessions and weddings for 2011, and I would hate for you to buy a certificate if I was already booked on your date!
Have a great Thanksgiving everyone – and don’t forget to capture some memories!
Edited to Add: I will post the link at midnight on Thursday, and it will remain active until 15 certificates have sold. To view my current rates, click here. Print prices start at $15 for small (4×6 or 5×7 images). Print packages start at $100. A complete digital collection with 5×7 prints and custom box is available for $500. Please note that the $100 session fee is for session only, and does NOT include any digital images, prints, products, etc. Please email me with any questions and I’ll be glad to help 🙂