Fast Fun! | Huntsville Madison Alabama Children’s Photographer

Since I have photographed this little guy before, I knew from experience that I was going to get my workout at this session 🙂  He moves FAST FAST FAST!  But that just allows us to have that much more FUN in our short time together!  We met up on a hot morning to play have his session at the Botanical Gardens, and let me tell you…we were all over that place!   Trains, butterflies, treehouses, water rocks, ball pit, sandbox…whew!  I”m getting tired just listing all the things we did!  We had a great time though, and he’s always up for lots of fast fun!   Here are a few shots from our morning:

Huntsville Madison Alabama Photography

Huntsville Madison Aalabama Children's Photographer

What a cutie!  And always a pleasure to photograph!  I just have to mention the last photo on the right here…  You may notice the mud on his knee and foot.  I thought about “cleaning” him up a little in photoshop (and I can if mom prefers…), but to me that mud tells a story and I love it!  It reminds me of all the climbing, running, slipping in the mud, etc. that took place at our session and how he had so much fun just being a little boy.  As a mom, I would love looking back on that memory in 20 years when he is all grown up.  Just to remember little details like that – how he had no cares in the world that morning.  Fall down in the mud?  Who cares!  He was just there to have fun – and that’s the way I like my photo sessions 🙂

Thanks so much Mom and little man!  Looking forward to our next outing together 🙂

Be sure to check out his Facebook Album for a few more images from the session too!  Have a great week everyone!  ~Sarah

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